Monday, October 25, 2010

So is the life of a procrastinator.

This week we did a lot of sketching of our female model.  On Thursday I had one of those 'Ah-ha' moments.  For some reason it felt like connection between my hand and mind just clicked and I felt more in tune with the model and my paper.  I have a suspicion that this will be short lived, but I felt a burst of excitement all the same.  It is reassuring to feel like you are making progress instead of the banging-your-head-against-the-wall feeling that I have had so far.

Next week we will be getting the requirements for our midterm.  I hope it is not to intensive because I feel that I am currently falling behind in everything right now.  One of those internal panics where I wish I could get off work, lock myself in a room with no contact until I would emerge two days later completely caught up and everything looks PHENOMENAL.   *sigh*  But so is the life of a procrastinator...

So, shell drawings were due tuesday as I mentioned in a earlier thread.  I was very happy with mine although my favorite part of critiques is seeing everyones' drawings.  I remember Matt did a particularly beautiful drawing that gave the shell a hazy monolithic appearance.  I will see if I can link it or snag a photo.

- Here is mine!  I liked the capture of all those pesky little nubs and that I was able to avoid outlining the shell.  I could work on creating even more line variation and exaggerating the curves.

1 comment:

  1. Your shell turned out very nicely! I think you are one of the few who understood and grasped the concept of "no outlines!" The viewer doesn't need the outlines while looking at your drawing because the contours do a nice enough job of describing the form on their own. Nice work!
