Monday, December 20, 2010

Coming to a Close

And so we have reached the end!  I am amazed that the fall semester has wrapped up already and as we all finish up our last finals I am happy to look back on the progress I made in life drawing this semester.  I have come so far!  I can see so much improvement since the gesture and long timed drawings of the first half of the semester . My forms are more life-like, my gestures more dynamic.  Starting this class I would have told you that, no matter what I learned, I would be content with letting my life drawing career end at Life Drawing I.  But now that I am finished, and I see what progress I have made, I am interested to see where I can go from here.

Before now the human form had always been an area of hazy recollection.  It was something you always assumed you knew, I mean, you see the human body everyday.  But when asked to sit down and lay out the body like a map, I found myself completely lost.  Similar to how you may walk up and down the steps in your house daily, for years, but when someone asks you how many steps it contains, you find yourself a stranger in your own home.  And so I found myself a stranger in my own body.

Then slowly, lecture by lecture and sketch by sketch, I was reacquainted with my own body.  Now I can see the connections of the muscles and bones.  It is all very exciting.

If you are interested in seeing more of my work this semester you are welcome to visit my online portfolio HERE!

I have seen the most improvement in my contours.  Faces and hands are the areas that still need work.  I am very thankful I took this class and I hope that I may have the opportunity to take Life Drawing II in the future.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Knuckle Head

Class this week involved drawing the head and the hands.  So sadly, unlike my earlier hopes, the hands turned out to be a lot harder than the feet.  My fingers still looked like sausages and I just could not get my shading down.  Matt and I attempted to draw each other's hands, but, no matter how many times we had to start over because one of us moved, the inner structure was still a little mystifying. I did, on the other hand, find the skull to be much more enjoyable to draw.

There are a lot of elements of the skull that are not as one would suppose.  For example, the face only takes up 1/3 of the skull.  Because we put so much importance on the face it always seems to take up a large portion of the head.  But strip away all hair, skin, muscle, and tendons, and the majority of the skull is just there to hold in the gray matter.

When I think back to those nature specials, the one about how man evolved from a monkey, I remember the progression of skull sizes they loved to show.  The ape's skull was always small and ball-like, but as the genes grew closer to the current homo sapiens the brain cavity increased and the face flattened and shorted.

So, I guess this whole brain thing is a pretty big deal.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Time to Get in GEAR!!

The semester is coming to a close and suddenly we find ourselves with a heap of work.  One of the nice things about life drawing is that, on the whole, most of the work was achievable in class with only an average hour or two on the weekends.  I am realizing the reason that is is because there is now suddenly about a hundred pages of muscles, two shell drawings and a portfolio to mash together!!  But I am being dramatic.  We do have all that to do, but it is over the course of two weeks - nothing that can't be handled if I do a little every day.

The muscles seems to be coming along better than before but that is hard to say for certain.  After "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" and "Galaxy Quest" (yes, I am, in fact, five years old) I had some muscles on the shoulder blade and half a forearm done.  That leaves about 3 movies left until I am finished!  There is something nice about putting the manikin together.  I never realized how many muscles there are in the body!  Although mine is not very accurate, it does give you an idea of the complexity of the human form and all the connections that are required to do the things that we do.  Even now while I type this you can imagine the tightening of so many muscles just to get these words on the page.

I have started taking a boxing class with a couple friends and it is nice that it correlated with Life Drawing class.  As I feel my muscles growing (and getting VERY sore) I am able to pinpoint some of them on the manikin and realize why they are the ones that are going through a growth spurt.  Hopefully some day I will be able to rattle off the latin names as well!

"AH!  I think I pulled my semimembranosous!!"

Sunday, November 28, 2010


On Tuesday our class took a trip up to the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis.  Now before I get into the art piece I choose to review for this week's blog entry I would like to mention how wonderful riding the bus was.  The joys of public transportation are so numerous.  I read HG Wells's 'Time Machine', napped, talked with friends and all the while the bus plugged on toward the cities.  The trip went so quickly and I didn't have to worry about where to park, directions, gas, traffic, any of it.  All I had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride.  Why we are so concerned about spending our dollars on buses, trains, and trams I will never understand.  I only hope that this type of transportation will become more readily available in my lifetime.

Now on to the art!!

This image shows the feather covered animal hide looking material that surrounded Eiko and Koma's "Naked" exhibition art.  The sculpture was set against a corner of the gallery with the two exposed sides covered with this stiff, textured cloth.  Through the holes one could see into a dark room, yellow light illuminating two nude figures laying in the center on a bed of dark feathers.  On one side you could enter the room and sit along the edge of the tattered wall on a couple benches.  

From there you could watch the art slowly play out in front of you.  The floor on which the nest rested appeared to be covered in dirt.  From the ceiling, dim yellow stage lights illuminated the couple while bits of mangled black material shifted in the breeze just below the bulbs, upsetting the steady angle of the beams.  The silence in the room was broken only by the drip of water.  Scattered in the darkness, drops thudded against the packed dirt floor.  The space around the artists was so black it was hard to tell where the room ended.  With nothing else to draw your attention, your focus was ensnared by the people slowly shifting in front of you.

My goal was to sit in that room and see if I could work out the meaning of this piece.  I wrote notes and rolled over the various implications in my mind.  After I give you my thoughts I am going to read the brochure I picked up from the museum and see what the artists have to say about their piece.

I think the thing that captured me the most was the way the couple shifted in the nest.  Their movements were slow, lethargic, and restricted.  Much like how something moves when it is first born, or when it is moments from death. The actors shifted using their backs to move themselves instead of their arms, as if too weak to utilize them properly.  They were naked and the make-up made them look so pale.  Every hint of color was covered. 

I spent a long time wondering if they were meant to look really old or really young.  I finally decided that the sculpture is not addressing birth, but death.  The darkness makes them seem so alone, trapped in the feeble struggle of their final moments.  The feathers, not like the warm nest of an infant, but as if shed from the decaying body of a giant raptor, embraced the sick.  Perhaps the feathers were molted from the actors themselves.  And now, naked, dying and isolated, they wait for their final strength to leave them.  The woman stared at me while she arched her back and attempted to move toward me, but the exhaustion of such an effort only made her fall back to where she started.  Every movement was slow, so slow.  

I am not sure of the purpose of the burned wall coverings that looked like tanned hides.  Perhaps it was the disintegration of life.  Surrounding this scene was the smothering realization that all things will die and decay.  And while we can watch this happen, whether on the benches or through the holes in the wall, the couple are isolated in this moment.  When we die, we will be weak and alone, for this is one place no one can follow.

So these are my thoughts - now let's see what Eiko and Koma have to say:

Well it turns out the brochure is not super specific.  The beginning quote is "Linger, stay here with your eyes, and kinetically observe how our bodies move toward death." So death was on the right track, but I don't think the artists wished for me to get so specific.  They are more interested in the interacted played out between them and the viewer. " . . . Being seen and seeing is tender, ambiguous, and odd - it asks the viewer to observe details." Their art focuses more on the presence, physically and mentally, of the body.  So while the sculpture may have addressed the frailty of the body and its journey toward death, it was meant to bring awareness to everything the body is.  "We think the body offers radical questioning," stated the artists, " . . . not asking questions necessarily, but questioning as a state of being."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Water + Oil = Me + Ink

I have done little work with ink and on the rare occasions that we have interacted we have not been huge fans of one another . . . to put it nicely.  In all honesty, I strongly dislike this medium so you can imagine my dismay when I first learned that our final project would be done in India and colored ink.  I think it is the unpredictable nature of ink . . . that and the almost complete inability to fine tune it once it is down.  The ink is not meant to be refined or delicate in these drawings.  But sadly those are two things that I am rather fanatical about.

So basically, this just means that I am going to need to let that go.  UGH, ink just goes EVERYWHERE!! There is no controlling it.  It always bleeds into itself when you don't want it to.  And I am far too impatient for this medium.  I want it to dry instantly, but it doesn't and I know that, yet I seem surprised every time the black shadow crazes across the light blue highlight.

I need to practice for this.  Probably a lot.  I dislike practicing too.  Why am I so whiny this week?  My frustration is being released through a bitchy disposition. :)  I suppose this ink is only fair.  I have not had that much trouble drawing bodies up to this point so it is only practical that I am met with a challenge that makes me despair.  If the "Life" wasn't the difficulty than the "Drawing" will be.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out . . .

Eek!  I think I forgot a blog in here somewhere!  Whoopsy daisy.  But that actually works out because we talked about feet last week and I TOTALLY forgot to mention it.

I was really happy that the feet lecture finally happened because I am the typical amateur artist where every person just happens to be balancing on their ankles and all the models got their hands removed at the wrists in some freak accident!  To be honest, hands and feet terrify me. (Drawing them, that is, . . . not in general.)  They always come out looking out of proportion and like they are made of clay.  So finding out what goes on inside them was SO helpful.  Basically your little tootsies are connected to long, curved cylindrical bones called metatarsals.  And the interesting thing is that your two smallest toes metatarsals are connected to a different part of the foot than the ones for your other toes.  So thus a little space is created there and that is why that part of the foot appears to be at a different angle.  BINGO!

So after getting all the technical jargon, out model hopped up on the chair and we honed in on everything from the knee down.  I was so proud of mine!  This is leaps and bounds ahead of where I was before!  My feet look like feet and not pudding-filled latex gloves!

I am still a little scared of the hands, but this has given me a lot of confidence.  Maybe, like the feet, the hands are not as hard as they look!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Shell Contour: The Sequel

So Tuesday we had to turn in the second attempt at our shell contour drawings.  Compared to the first, this one excelled in some areas and regressed in others. It is always hard when you try something new because (although you usually learn a lot) it rarely turns out as nice as if you had just played it safe.  I tried to be more dramatic with my perspective and give the contour lines a more organic feel.  The bumps on the cone are still giving me a hard time and you can see my perspective is a little off.

I was still able to keep from drawing the outline though, but I dislike how messy it looks. The first drawing was so clean and my attempt at a more active, sketchy style slightly missed the mark.  Also, I need to work on letting go of some of the details and focus more on the general movement of the form.  I get so wrapped up in getting all the bumps that the intensity of the shells curves is lost and the resulting drawing looks flat.

Oh well, that is why we are doing four right?  Rarely does someone get things right the first time.  So this shell is in the middle somewhere.  I do not yet have a grasp on this contour business, but I hope by not playing it safe I may better achieve a drawing I can be proud of!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halfway Point!

So far it has been an interesting first half of the semester.  There has been a fair mix of success and frustration.  I have felt some improvements since the first day of class. It is easier to see the rib cage and draw the human form with less rigidity.  My contours are also improving and my line is becoming more confident.  At the same time I have a hard time abandoning shading in my drawings and the pelvis is still hard for me to confidently position.  I am hoping this will improve.  I would also like to add more dynamic motion in my gesture drawings.  Hopefully by becoming more familiar with the layout of the body I will be able to sketch it down more quickly and with greater intensity.

You can go here to see the work I have created so far this semester.

Here is the drawing I am most proud of so far.  I love the pull of her curves and (minus the head) it feels like one of the most proportionally correct drawings I have done so far.  Sadly, our professor was not a fan.  No shading.  Ever.  So that bummed me out.  So I started over and this was what I came up with.  It was done in about 20 mins was drawn with (although I may hate to admit it) a bit of contempt.  This is one of the hard parts about life drawing.  It is not about drawing the figure.  It is about drawing what is inside them.

Monday, October 25, 2010

So is the life of a procrastinator.

This week we did a lot of sketching of our female model.  On Thursday I had one of those 'Ah-ha' moments.  For some reason it felt like connection between my hand and mind just clicked and I felt more in tune with the model and my paper.  I have a suspicion that this will be short lived, but I felt a burst of excitement all the same.  It is reassuring to feel like you are making progress instead of the banging-your-head-against-the-wall feeling that I have had so far.

Next week we will be getting the requirements for our midterm.  I hope it is not to intensive because I feel that I am currently falling behind in everything right now.  One of those internal panics where I wish I could get off work, lock myself in a room with no contact until I would emerge two days later completely caught up and everything looks PHENOMENAL.   *sigh*  But so is the life of a procrastinator...

So, shell drawings were due tuesday as I mentioned in a earlier thread.  I was very happy with mine although my favorite part of critiques is seeing everyones' drawings.  I remember Matt did a particularly beautiful drawing that gave the shell a hazy monolithic appearance.  I will see if I can link it or snag a photo.

- Here is mine!  I liked the capture of all those pesky little nubs and that I was able to avoid outlining the shell.  I could work on creating even more line variation and exaggerating the curves.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Life Drawing minus the drawing..

So the news about life drawing is . . . there is no news!!  Tuesday was too hot for a model so we did a lecture on the butt muscles.  Aren't the multicolored chalks beautiful??  I just love how all the vivid muscles look together.  Even Alisha couldn't help but show her love.

After that we were released for the day which was wonderful because the weather lately has been amazing. 70s in OCTOBER!?!?  I wore a dress yesterday, A DRESS!! You would think it was Labor Day weekend.  

Well, Thursday class rolled around and class was cancelled because our professor was sick!  I really hope she didn't catch that nasty flu that is floating around.  With any luck she will feel better soon, but having a suddenly free three hours was the best possible end to the week!!  Grabbed some stir fry at the Terrace and helped my roommate hide the cat at a friend's while our apartment had some tours go through.  See, we are allowed to have pets but it is $25 a month.  Now this seems kinda steep to me.  This apartment has had pets in it before so we are not lowering its value AND it would seem that a security deposit (ensuring that the cat doesn't piss all over and ruin the carpeting) would suffice.  $300 a year in their pocket doesn't seem fair.  I tried talking reason to the owners, but they didn't want to discuss the matter.  So what would a responsible adult do?  Have a cat in secret OF COURSE!!  Though, to be fair, she is not our cat, we are cat sitting, but we have a had her for about 5 months so it is a fuzzy line we are walking . . . . but look how CUTE she is!!

ANYWAY, back to Life Drawing.  Contour shell drawing due Tuesday (which I am sure I will post in the near future) and there are more muscles to build on our manikin.  (He's getting a butt!!)  Here is an example of a manikin our prof keeps in the classroom and it is AMAZING!!  I would show you mine, but I don't think I will on this post - I don't think I could handle the shame. Maybe in a couple weeks ;)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let's pretend last week didn't happen . . .

What a ridiculous week it was!  To be honest, I didn't have a whole lot of time for life drawing.  The project for my ID class was due on thursday and there were not enough hours in the day!!  So after no sleep, I stumble into drawing class an hour late (-hang head in shame-), but I hope our professor wasn't too upset.  Honestly, I was converting my InDesign document to a PDF up until I left and was ready to apply myself as much as I could in the time remaining.  That day we were drawing with our arms outstretched so that we could use our whole arm to draw.  And if this new technique wasn't enough, we were encouraged to draw as light as possible.

I was not doing well to begin with.  I need to get a pencil because this chunk of conte is really cramping my style.  Or maybe I should just stop making excuses and learn how to draw with a delicate hand.  Thankfully my classmates were really helpful and near the end things were starting to look up.  I was standing an arm's length away, my drawings were getting lighter by the minute and my arm was CRAMPING SO BAD!!  It is bad enough that I feel I should get a gym pass for every other aspect of my life, but DRAWING CLASS!?!   . . . guess who will be holding pencils an arms length away during this week's Office episode. ("this guy!")

But in other exciting news, my ID presentation went super well.  We had to design coat hangers (the kind that go in your closet) and all in all I was pretty proud of mine.  AND my prof really liked the presentation so . . . woot woot!

And guess what happened Sunday!  I found a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER in a bunch of grapes I bought!!  It was basically dead, but that didn't stop me from running around the apartment flailing my arms and yelling like there was a murderer in my closet.  Now, we did a little research and black widows are the most poisonous spider in the US, but it is not very common to die from a bite because they do not release a lot of venom.  Well, this is all well and good, but when you are digging for some green grapes to snack on and discover one of these babies, the fact that less than 2% of bites are fatal is not very reassuring.

But no one had to be rushed to the hospital and after my roommate assured me that the spider was in no condition to leap across the room and plunge its fangs in to my neck I started to calm down.  But here she is in all her glory - PROOF!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not a Fan of Contour Drawings

As you may be able to gather from the title, I am not a fan of contour drawings.  I am not bad at putting muscles on the manikin and my figures in my gesture drawings only have torsos that are slightly too long, but I cannot wrap my mind around the contour.  My figure looks thick and heavy.  The subtlety of flesh is completely lost on me.  And the more I try the more I get frustrated.  Our teacher reminded us that we should not feel angry because these things would take time to learn, but I can’t help it. 

It is a little presumptuous to assume that I should have this down pat, but I would really like to get the curves down and see the form fill its space.  Ugh, I am just going to have to settle down and remember that practice makes perfect.

I wish I had more to write on this week, but I was only able to make it to one class period last week.  Life sometimes causes problems when you would rather it not, and I was forced to do some damage control.  Sorry to be vague (sounds like I am writing a coy facebook status), but let me assure you that it is not very exciting.  Just one of those times where a bunch of little things all stack up at once and if they were not dealt with tears would be inevitable.

So I vow to be patient with myself this week and stay motivated.  And no missing class!!

PS. One of my guy friends is very thin and has the amazing attribute of having the contour of every vein and muscle in his entire body visible on his skin. I think he would be so helpful in learning to draw the human figure!  Do you think after a case of beer and the promise that he can still wear boxers I will have a model for some extra practice?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

30 Second Sketches: A Mixture of Excitement and Fear

Tuesday was our first day with a model!  It was exciting to be able to see the human form in action and attempt to draw the actual figure.  With a quiet confidence, the model mounted the platform in the center of the room and chose her first pose. In the beginning our instructor told us we had 30 seconds to do a quick gesture drawing of each stance.  That time seemed quiet reasonable. It is not uncommon to see people sketching in the park, quickly throwing down the ever changing scene in front of them.  So when our teacher told us to start I moved my charcoal confidently across the page.  The slight oval of the head, the connection of the shoulder, the arch of the arm, TIME!  So, apparently 30 seconds goes by a lot faster than expected.  A chorus of laughter echoed throughout the room as everyone looked at the meager form on their paper.  My drawing (which looked like a cherry with a trampled stem) was a sad first attempt, but we didn't get much time to linger because the model had chosen a new position and the timer had been started again. 

This time I had a sense of panicked urgency, but when the 30 seconds was up my second drawing resembled a person chopped off at the waist. We did a number of these and my figure slowly grew (although I always had trouble getting in all four appendages).  Finally we upgraded the time to a minute.  The intensity of these quick drawings was contagious and the freeness of my line benefitted from my excitement. I look forward to doing these again.

The rest of class for the week was spent cleaning off the skeletons that we will be using to learn the structure of the muscles. Today I will build some of the muscles on the back.  I am sure pictures will follow as I have a feeling this skeletor and I will become close friends.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Perfection of Living Things

Having never taken an anatomy class before, the whole human structure business is pretty new to me.  I had dissected a rat in ninth grade, but the only thing I remember from the experience is disliking the smell of formaldehyde.  I am not normally a squeamish person, but this week, as the professor explained the bones of the spine, her fingers stroking the connections of the cervical vertebrae on the model skeleton, I felt her touch tickle the cartilage inside my shoulders and elbows.  Tiny ants raced along my tendons as she bent the skeleton this way and that.  The thick plastic between the heavy lumbar vertebrae bent and stretched while my insides writhed.  I am not sure why this was the reaction I had.  Perhaps it was the realization that we are simply a bundle of flesh and bone.  Perhaps I was too aware of my own body, so similar to the skeleton stretching its spine for us or to the unfortunate animals on the highway that were unable to avoid the crushing rubber.  We are all just hair and skin and organs and muscle and bones. 
Perhaps this is part of the beauty of life drawing.  We are reconnected with the frailty and perfection that makes the human body.  Whether you believe in God or evolution, the structure of living things is undeniably powerful.  It is amazing the way the lumbar allows us to support our weight while standing upright.  The Atlas allows us to agree while the Axis gives us the power of denial.  We do these things unconscious of the puppeteers we are, tugging tendons and muscles.  All this and we have only covered the spine!  Imagine the pelvis!  The shoulders!  The muscles in between them all!
So here is the first sketch on my journey through the wonder of the human body.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hello Everyone!

My name is Annie Kressin and I am a sophomore (ish) in UW - Stout's Industrial Design major.  I spent most of my life Cannon Falls, MN.  Fresh out of high school, I originally went to Savannah College of Art and Design, but returned after only one semester.  Unsure what to do with my life I made touch screens for large farming machines and government tanks at a local factory before applying to Stout's Graphic Design program.  After a year I realized my only fair weather infatuation with fonts I decided to find true love else where and last spring transferred to the ID program.  Everything is going swimmingly and this I find myself in life drawing.  I look forward to this course because drawing people has always been an intimidating thing to me.  So here's to jumping in with both feet!